men's watches

I have a special regard to watch and pen. I am not the person who do things regulary, but I am fond of watch. I'm not good at writting, but I'm focus on pen. There were dozens of watch and dozens of curious pen I have used when I was in primary school and junior high school. I had a special love to them that time, and others can't attract me at all. I think it is its unusual side intrest me.

It will be one year since graduated, my pencil case follows me all time, and sometimes in my office. There are tools which I usually used. I produced feelings with them. They helped me accomplish one and another test papers and achieve one and another idals.

But the emotion to watch is becoming weak, the reason is its price which I can't afford. After one years work, I can't help me think this question. there is a watch which I bought two years ago. It is not very good, but I have to use it at key time. I'm thinking to change it for another one. But it is not in keeping with my style which is don't adorn to much ornamental.

I liked their curious sharp when I was yong, I'm loving their practical now.


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